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Stock & Investment Research For Traders

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  • F & O

    option-trading mistakes

    5 Mistakes To Avoid During Option Trading

    Published : August 10, 2020

    Option trading is popular among traders as it helps them earn a good amount of trading profits. It helps in earning profits when the prices of stocks move up, down, or sideways. The added advantage which options trading offers is that it can be conducted with a relatively lower amount of cash reserv...

  • F & O

    stock futures

    How to Sell Stock Futures to a Skeptic

    Published : July 16, 2020

    Introduction: A futures contract is the obligation to buy or sell the stock at a predefined agreed price at a later date in the future. The trading is perfectly organized by the exchange where all the counterparty risk is mitigated. The agreements have normalized particulars like a market lot, expir...

  • F & O

    derivative market

    Volatility and derivative markets Poll of the Day

    Published : July 5, 2020

    “Derivative markets want volatility, that’s where all the trading opportunities present itself,” says Azila Abdul Aziz, the CEO and executive director, head of listed derivatives, of Kenanga Futures Sdn Bhd. Investors remain anxious about the prospects of increased volatility and uncertaint...

  • Equity

    Demat account & trading account

    Your Guide to Difference between Demat and Trading Account

    Published : June 29, 2020

    We have often noticed people getting confused between a Demat Account and a Trading Account and use both the terms interchangeably. Though they appear to be the same, there is a huge difference between a Demat Account and a Trading Account especially on the basis of the purpose served by each of the...

  • F & O

    pros-and-cons of option Trading

    Pros and Cons of Options Trading in 2020

    Published : June 27, 2020

    The options market is a critical part of the derivative market, especially in India. Around 80 percent of derivative trading happens in the options market and the rest in futures. The options were available to trade on over the counter (OTC) since 1920 particularly on commodities. Equity options tra...

  • Equity

    Best Demat account

    Why We Love Demat Account Online (And You Should, Too!)

    Published : June 23, 2020

    Whenever you think of investing in stocks or trading in share market the first step that you take is opening a Demat Account. A Demat account keeps all your financial securities at one place in electronic form. So, if you are going to invest in securities such as shares, mutual funds, bonds, etc. yo...

  • Equity

    Spend More Time before opening Zero Brokerage Trading Account

    Published : June 19, 2020

    The Demat account involves electronic storing of shares and securities which are maintained electronically for your trading account. So, if you are going to invest in securities such as shares, mutual funds, bonds, etc. you must have a Demat account. The account keeps all your financial securities a...

  • F & O

    Call & Put option Trading

    Option Trading: It’s Not As Difficult As You Think

    Published : June 15, 2020

    An option trading is something that the new investors usually don’t take up as it is considered to be a bit more complicated than traditional stock trading. However, if you master the art of option trading on the basis of your knowledge and awareness, then it surely has several advantages which th...

  • Equity

    share trading online in 20202

    An Introduction to Share Trading Online in 2020

    Published : May 18, 2020

    Share trading online is done through an online platform that could be on your laptop, Smartphone, or Tablet. The online share trading platform can also be used for trading or investing in mutual funds, equities, and commodities. Most of the brokers in India are providing online share trading facilit...

  • Equity

    Learn Stock trading-ultimate guide

    The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Learning Stock Trading

    Published : May 13, 2020

    Most of us are reluctant to start trading mainly because we lack a proper understanding of how the stock market works and how stock trading takes place. You’ll be surprised to know that understanding and starting stock trading is not as difficult as it seems to be in the very beginning. There a...

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