Derivative instruments are tools to deal with future prospects of a financial instrument. Not all financial instruments have their derivative counterpart. However, besides mitigating future’s holding risks, one trade in derivative to speculation. Derivative instruments are financial products. They derive their value from underlying financial assets or a group of such assets. These derivative are contracts between two or more parties. The fluctuations in the prices of underlying assets determine derivative prices. Now the question is whether we should own
Read MoreFinancial market intelligence is the situation for everyone to achieve financial independence. No matter whether you are an intelligent or a non-intelligent person. You always have an option to indulge in the situation of financial market intelligence. In fact, this is the road for reaches for you. No road is smooth as we thought for and so the road of riches. You need to work hard to make them smooth. Moreover, when it’s your hard earned money, definitely you need
Read MoreMarket intelligence for non-intelligent investors is the topic which I was considering to address since long. This is not because I am the most competent person to discuss the subject matter. But because when I talk even to someone with the domain knowledge, they also have lots of confusion when it comes to basics of investing. When it comes to investments, even the most un-knowledgeable becomes the matter experts. However, we should not forget that investing is an art as
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