Raghunandan Money – Investment Khushiyon Ka.

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  • The Advanced Guide to start Commodity Trading6 May 2020

    Commodity trading has been popular in India for very long time. The cotton trade association started doing organized futures trading in 1875. It has been through many evolutions since then from spot market to derivative market. There are two ways to do commodity trading in India as over the counter and through the stock exchange. However, we will be discussing about the trading done through stock exchange which is done electronically. Electronic trading has been vastly popular in the country

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  • Barely rely on technology in the stock-market, cautious now!21 August 2019

    It is a growing fact that online trading is fast and inexpensive. However, there is a price associated with it. I will scrutinize the aspect of online trading vs. traditional full-service brokers to see how technology is impacting retail investors and traders. More precisely I will focus on whether technology is helping or hurting investors and traders in the Indian stock-market. With the advent of technology in the sector, you now can place trades from anywhere without ever having to

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  • Customers FAQs on Raghunandan Money Happy Service Plan7 August 2019

    Our customers with a happy service plan are really very happy. Not only this, the other brokerage plan, the zero brokerage plan is also too attractive to resist once you know it. In fact, Rmoney happy service plan is for every retail investor who wants the benefits of full-service brokers at the cost of discount brokerages. However, in the present article, I will exclusively detail on what any newcomer frequently asked questions are. So let’s begin. 1. What is Raghunandan

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  • 7 Faqs On Rmoney-India Margin Requirement You Need To Know12 July 2019

    Margin amount in your trading account is the lifeblood for future and option trading. Not only this it is also important while dealing into cash segment of equity. Every future and option segment of equity, commodity or currency trading has its own margin requirement. These requirements are broadly the exchange driven requirement. The security and exchange board of India publishes principles on clients margin requirement. In turn stocks, commodities and currency exchanges in India come up and publishes regularly with

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  • 9 Things that client should know after they are on-board at RMoney India6 July 2019

    Welcome to Raghunandan Money family. You are reading this because you are now one of our esteemed members of the family. I am sure that you would not regret to be part of our growing family. But first things first. You are here to make money. At this outset a piece of free advice. Like any other business, you need to consider your trading and investment as your own business. You should never consider stock market investment or trading as

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  • Introduction to the derivative market in India for beginners31 May 2019

    Derivatives are tradable products whose price is based upon another market. Derivatives are security, whose value based upon other more basic underlying variables. In recent years, derivative security has become increasingly important in the finance field. So it is important to know about the derivative market and its instruments. Futures & Options are now actively traded on many different exchanges. Forward contracts, swaps and many different types of options are regularly traded outside the exchanges by financial institutions and their

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  • What is the procedure to open demat account? – the 7 steps30 May 2019

    To open demat account in India needs lots of steps to follow and that too very strictly. The popular name of the dematerialization of securities in India is Demat or Dmat. It is a facility for keeping all your financial assets into electronic form. The present blog is for those who are beginning or even planning to enter the stock market in India.  “How can I open a demat account?”, “How to open demat account in India?”, “What is the

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  • Learn Amazing Facts about Financial Market25 August 2017

    What is Investment? The money we earn or our monthly income is partly spent on our monthly expenditure and rest is saved for meeting future expenses. Instead of keeping the savings idle one should invest his or her savings to beat the inflation and to earn good returns in future. This is known as investment. Why does one make the investment? One should invest for following reasons To grow money. To save for retirement. To attain the financial goals. To

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Filing Complaints on SCORES (SEBI) – Easy & Quick

  1. Register on SCORES Portal (SEBI)
  2. Mandatory details for filing complaints on SCORES:
    1. Name, PAN, Address, Mobile Number, E-mail ID
  3. Benefits:
    1. Effective Communication
    2. Speedy redressal of the grieva`nces



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