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What is RMoney’s Per Trade and Monthly Brokerage Plan?

Post Date : March 3, 2022

RMoney has come up with two new brokerage plans Rs.9/- per trade and Rs.999/- Monthly brokerage plans (orders exceeding 1,000 in a month, brokerage of ₹1 per order will apply) with the Freedom Zero Brokerage Plan*

This will allow you to choose a brokerage plan of your choice.

Rs.9/- Per Trade Plan

Under this brokerage plan, you will be charged a brokerage of Rs.9/- per executed trade irrespective of the size and segment of the trade.

Rs.999/- Per Month Plan(orders exceeding 1,000 in a month, brokerage of ₹1 per order will apply)

Trade across each segments at Rs.999/- per monthly brokerage plan(orders exceeding 1,000 in a month, brokerage of ₹1 per order will apply) with the Freedom Zero Brokerage Plan*

You’ll pay 2.5% of trade size as a brokerage for executed trade.

The final amount of brokerage paid in a month will be 2.5% of trade volume or Rs.999/- whichever is LOWER 

In the case of Options, the amount of brokerage charged will be 2.5% of options premium or Rs.100/- whichever is higher. 

Note: Rs.999/- plan is charged on a calendar monthly basis (1st to 30th/31st of every month)

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Please note that the brokerage charged against the above scheme should not in any ways exceed the amount as specified under the exchange bye laws.

  • Advance Brokerage is valid for Lifetime.
  • Balance Advance Brokerage can be refunded lifetime without asking any Question.
  • Pay Rs 299/- & Get Rs 499/- as advance Brokerage revesal*
  • Send Enquiry
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