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What are Trade-to-Trade (T2T) Stocks?

Post Date : December 7, 2024

What are Trade-to-Trade (T2T) Stocks?

Trade-to-Trade (T2T) is a special segment introduced by stock exchanges to monitor and regulate highly speculative stocks or those with suspected price manipulation. This mechanism ensures market integrity by imposing stricter trading norms.

Key Features of T2T Stocks

  1. Delivery-Based Trading Only:
    • All buy and sell transactions must be settled through delivery. Intraday trading is strictly prohibited in this segment.
  2. Transaction Restrictions:
    • If a T2T stock is purchased, it cannot be sold on the same trading day. Any attempt to do so will result in the order being rejected.
    • The stock can only be sold on the next trading day (T+1 day).
  3. BTST Limitations:

The credit from selling T1 holdings (Buy Today, Sell Tomorrow trades) is unavailable for immediate use, in accordance with regulatory guidelines (PDF).


The credit from selling T1 holdings (Buy Today, Sell Tomorrow trades) is unavailable for immediate use, in accordance with regulatory guidelines



The credit from selling T1 holdings (Buy Today, Sell Tomorrow trades) is unavailable for immediate use, in accordance with regulatory guidelines



Additional Resources

This segment plays a crucial role in curbing speculative activities and protecting investor interests. For the latest updates, visit the respective stock exchange NSE and BSE websites.

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  3. Benefits:
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