India VIX is the indication of investor’s perception of the market’s volatility in the near term. This portrays the expected volatility of the market over the next 30 calendar days. Thus, India’s volatility index or the India VIX is the key measure of market expectations of near term volatility of Nifty stock index option prices. As a matter of fact, technically, you can compute VIX on the basis of the order book of Nifty options. For this, there is a
Read MoreWhat is Investment? The money we earn or our monthly income is partly spent on our monthly expenditure and rest is saved for meeting future expenses. Instead of keeping the savings idle one should invest his or her savings to beat the inflation and to earn good returns in future. This is known as investment. Why does one make the investment? One should invest for following reasons To grow money. To save for retirement. To attain the financial goals. To
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