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    Graphic representation of fundamental analysis featuring a rising bar chart with an upward green arrow, symbolizing financial growth, set against a checkered background with bold 'Fundamental Analysis' text

    A Beginner’s Guide to Fundamental Analysis for Smart Investing

    Published : February 6, 2025

    Going into the stock market can be a very daunting experience with constant ups and downs and the complexity of the information in the market. However, once one learns how to analyze stocks with fundamental analysis, things are going to change completely. This method lets you b...

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    Financial Ratio Classification

    Overview of Financial Ratio Analysis

    Published : June 30, 2021

    The most ideal approach to analyze a financial statement is by studying financial ratios.  Financial ratios help decipher the outcomes and compare with previous years and other companies in the same industry. A typical financial ratio uses information from the financial statem...

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    What are smallcap stocks

    All You Need To Know About SmallCap Stocks

    Published : June 28, 2021

    Equity market investments have grown leaps and bounds in the past few years. The new investors entering the stock market have a fancy for investing in smallcap stocks. However, despite being popular they fail to possess a good image owing to the nature of the business they are ...

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    Balance Sheet Stock Market Analysis

    How to Read a Balance Sheet for Stock Market Investing?

    Published : May 29, 2021

    The prime objective of why people invest in the stock market is to make profits and increase their earnings. Every investor wants to put his money in sectors or companies that are booming and would probably offer high returns. The c...

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    What is Volatility and How Does It Affect The Stock Market

    Published : May 22, 2021

    If you even have slight information about the stock market you must have heard the term stock market volatility some time or the other, especially when there are rigorous market movements. Despite having heard the term quite often, most of us fail to understand what this term e...

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    Stock market factors

    Key Factors Affecting The Indian Stock Market

    Published : May 14, 2021

    The volatility in the stock prices is what makes investing risky for the majority of people out there. While the risk-takers move ahead and invest in the stock market, despite the volatility, the risk-averse people are the ones who avoid entering the market. Primary stock market enables companies and other institutions to raise money through the sale of the share of companies or the sale of debt instruments. There are many instruments of the primary market such as government bonds, corporate bonds, notes, bills, and stocks of compa...

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    Share Trading Online Mistakes to Avoid

    Common Mistakes Made By A Share Trading Online Beginner

    Published : April 30, 2021

    Share trading online, at first instance, seems to be a hassle-free and stress-free process. However, first-time investors soon get to realize that this is nothing but a myth and that investing is a process that takes time, patience, and effort. One of the most robust markets in the world happens to be the Indian stock market. Various unprecedented scams in the Indian stock market have made the regulatory authorities like SEBI to be more accountable to the public and come up with more stringent regulations pertaining t...

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    Derivative Market Common Terms

    Common Derivatives Market Terms You Need to Be Aware of

    Published : April 16, 2021

    Derivatives market trading is a whole different world in itself. The market is extremely large, regulated by SEBI, and is different from other markets to a great extent having its own languages and terms to be used. For a beginner in the field of the derivative market, it might...

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