Raghunandan Money – Investment Khushiyon Ka.

Mastering your mobile trading application – expertise in this digital era!

Published : August 17, 2018

Mastering your mobile trading application

Mobile trading is made possible in recent years. The advent of technology is making every aspect of life easier. And trading activity is no exception. From an open outcry system of trading to paperless trading and now trading on mobile, all became possible with the aid of technology.

Every broking house across the globe is coming up with their own mobile trading application. Further, they also claim them to be the best among the industry. Some are offering such mobile trading application or app in short, for free while some allow it as SaaS (software as services) and charges subscription fees.

From a retailer point of view, such app for trading is of immense use but only if the app is easily accessible and convenient to use. Retailers won’t mind paying if services offered via these apps make their trading easy, comfortable and rewarding.  And since such applications are new so they are evolving day-by-day. Hence, educating the users of such mobile app is very crucial for its success.

Here in the current blog, I will cover how any new user can master his or her mobile trading application so as to optimally benefit from its usage. However, let us first discuss some of the benefits from using a trading app.

Benefits of mobile trading in India

For trading in the stock market, you will need a trading account with SEBI registered stocks broker. Along with it, you will also need a bank account. Besides this one very crucial thing that most of us forget before entering the market is knowledge of stocks market trading. For being successful in stocks market trading you must make sure to have adequate knowledge. Knowledge about the process of stocks market functioning and stocks trading process.

You must be convenient to use the latest technologies for trading. Mobile smartphones are making everything handy and available 24×7. So you must assure to use mobile applications for the online trading process. Before moving further let us understand the benefits of mobile trading through mobile trading applications.

1. Trading on smartphone helps keep trading at your fingertips

If you are so No business can achieve success casually. Similar is for stock trading and you need to be serious about stock trading. This requires you to keep every piece of information about the assets you are trading at your fingertips.

Smartphones are the gift of the technology that helps us not only to remain connected but also have various alternative uses. One such is be updated on latest happening around the world through the connectivity of the internet. With this, the trading on mobile phones is possible through mobile trading applications. Mobile trading applications facilitated trading activity and that too without any latency. Latency is a technical term that simply means delay.

With these apps connected to the internet, you will be able to trade and also keep track of the movement of prices. You can also keep track of any news that might affect your holding and take necessary adjustment without delay. Whatever you used to do for trading through your broker and with high latency and inaccuracies, all that is overcame by these mobile trading apps.

2. Mobile trading is highly efficient

Trading through mobile apps are highly efficient as the whole control is now in your own hands. You need not have to depend on any relationship managers with your brokers for execution of your trades. With the help of such apps, you can easily manage all assets you wish to trade with ease. These apps also make it possible for multi-tasks and assists manage more than one account simultaneously.

3. You can trade on the go with smartphone trading apps

Timing the entry and exit of your trade is very crucial for the success of the stock market trading business. These smartphone trading apps are ready to assist you in timing the exact entry and exit of your trade you wish to assign. This is the amazing benefits of mobile trading apps. You can trade on the go from anywhere you wish for. The only prerequisite is the access of internet and a smart mobile device with trading apps running on it.

This makes it possible to purchase and sales at the best possible time. Every moment is valuable in stock market trading, so such apps don’t only book profit but also helps reduce the chances of exiting from loss-making trades on time. This saves a lot of stress and your money.

4. Safe and secure trade execution with mobile trading apps

End to end encryption in between your mobile trading application that connects to stock exchange trading platform via your stockbroker terminal ensures for safe and secure trade execution. Stock exchanges and SEBI ensures for the encrypted firewall for safe and secure trade execution and funds transfer through this application before granting permission to them. So your trade and money both are safe and secure on these mobile trading applications.

After reviewing most important benefits from using mobile trading applications for trading in place of using traditional trading methods, let us see how to master them. The first and foremost thing is the requirements to equip yourself with stuff that suits well mobile trading.

Requirements for mobile trading

  1. A good smartphone is the first thing you should concentrate on. A good smart fone does not mean costly mobile device. Rather a smartphone with good RAM, nice display, and decent space will be enough. No worries whether it is an Apple device, an android phone or a blackberry or windows running on it.  Just confirm that mobile trading app can run on any of the mobile operating systems.
  2. Second, you will need a reliable mobile trading application to initiate a trade.  Raghunandan money, a reputed stock trading, and retail brokerage firms have an excellent knowledge of different stock trading process and the benefits of using amazing trading platforms and mobile apps. Hence, it is really a good idea to get the help from them on professional trading and the trading process. We have our own mobile trading app by the name of Rmoney Quick, which is a zero cost trading app.
  3. Next requirement is reliable and high-speed internet speed sufficient to get good connectivity anywhere and in any condition. Airtel, Idea, Vodaphone, Jio are the major player in the country. You must check their bandwidth in your location before subscribing unlimited data plan. Such a plan will enable you to trade fearlessly as there will no disconnection.



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