Raghunandan Money – Investment Khushiyon Ka.
Online Currency Derivatives Trading

Online Currency Derivatives Trading

The Myth : Currency Trading is for
big time traders.

The Fact : Currency Trading needs lowest margins
among all derivatives products.

Simple online KYC and open your online currency trading account for FREE. Transfer funds from your bank account to your currency trading account and you are ready to trade in your choice of currency. Buy or sell currency pairs listed at currency exchanges and trade in various currency futures and currency options contracts. Get currency tips & reports from our Currency Research experts and make most of the currency rates to earn rewards for you.

Why Trade in Currency with RMoney


    Open your currency trading account with RMoney at Zero account Opening charges!

    Sign up for Online Currency Trading account Online and get it instantly.

    Trade in currency along with eqities and commodities at single platform.

    Trade in Currency thru RMoney Quick Mobile App. Download the App for FREE.

    Enjoy lowest margin across all derivatives and trade with flexibility.

    Trade at lowest brokerage rates and make most of the ROI on your trades.

5 Reasons to Trade in
Currency Derivatives


    Currency Trading is a tool to hedge potential future losses by buying or selling currency future contracts at today's rates.


    More like any intraday or derivative trade, speculate on the short term movement of the markets by using currency futures.


    Buy from lower price market an sell at a higher price market. Make profits by arbitrage of currency across exchanges.


    Like any other derivative contract, you can trade in the currency too by just paying a small margin amount.


    Buy from lower price market an sell at a higher price market. Make profits by arbitrage of currency across exchnages.

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A little more about Currency Trading


Currency Derivatives is a trading or investment product based on currency. Though there are a large of currencies across the world, yet the most commonly & widely accepted currencies are US Dollars (USD), British Pound (GBP), Euro (EUR) & Japanese Yen (JPY). Buying or selling these currencies thru exchange in terms of Indian Rupee (INR) can be done on stock exchange platforms of NSE & MCX-SX. The term 'Derivatives' in general means a product which has no value of its own but the value is derived from some underlying. In case of Currency Derivatives, underlying would be the Currency Exchange rate between the pair of INR & any of the four currencies as above.

What are the advantages of Currency Derivatives ?

If you are trading in the market to ride on speculation opportunities, Currency Derivatives provide you a much larger playing field for speculation & trading. The margin requirements are low and hence on a small fund you get a larger leverage to participate in the market & get benefited by the currency prices fluctuations. Currency Derivatives become one of essential investment products for those who deal in export or import based businesses so as to protect your foreign exchange exposure in business and hedge potential losses by taking appropriate positions in the same. Currency Prices fluctuate on a daily basis and if you are into export-import business you close a deal today but the payment may come to you at a later date & by that time the rates may move either side up or down. By investing into currency derivatives you may hedge you foreign exchange exposure. Raghunandan Money provides your currency trading in your account & on the same trading platform where you trade equities , derivatives & commodities, Currency too is made available to you.

Is Currency Derivatives right for me if I am a small trader/investor ?

Currency Derivatives markets are very liquid & at the same time tightly regulated & governed markets. Small or big, trading is about availing the opportunities that market offers and since Currency trading requires very small margin amount, it suits to all. Moreover the contracts are cash settled, meaning you get profit or loss in terms of cash (Indian Rupees) similar to the equity derivatives trading. Raghunandan Money offers you a step by step handholding to help you understand the intricacies of the Currency Trading & then with the help of exclusive research reports, we help you identify the opportunities which make your trading in currency even more rewarding.

What categories of Currency Derivatives contracts are available for trading ?

Currency Futures contracts are available across 4 currencies - USD, GBP, EUR & JPY whereas Options Contacts are available only in case of USD. Raghunandan Money is a member of both NSE & MCX-SX for currency derivatives segment and hence you have the freedom to trade on the exchange where you want.

Who can trade in Currency Derivatives?

All Resident Individuals, HUF & corporate fulfilling the criteria as per Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA, Act 42 of 1999) are eligible to trade. Non resident individuals (NRIs) & Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) are not permitted for trading in currency derivatives market as of now.

How can I start trading in Currency Derivatives ?

Your Currency Trading account with Raghunandan Money is just a call away. If you are already having an equity trading account with Raghunandan, we would request you to provide the request letter in prescribed format & you are ON. Your currency trading will be enabled in the same account itself. If you happen to come to us for the first time, just let us know by giving us a call or register on our website. Our representatives would contact you immediately & help you complete the documentation right at your doorstep.

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  • Winner of Krishi Pragati Award 2017 Raghunandan Money Awarded
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